Soul War Roblox Wiki
Soul War Roblox Wiki

Update 1 — 02/25/2022[]

Changes — 02/25/2022
Added & Finished 2 new Dimensions (Hueco Mundo / Soul Society)
Added Soul Reaper Kido
Added Arrancar Masks (Different for each hollow evolution)
Added random bosses in karakura
Added jump cooldown
Added jumping for hollows except menos
Finished Hollow Evolution + Skill trees
Finished all skill trees Changes/Fixes:
Blade storm now knock enemies away from you

Changes — 05/22/2022
Added NPC indicators so it's easier to see them
Added new Karakura quests for Soul Reapers and Quincies
Attempted to fix spar npc
Attempted to fix trainings in Karakura an Soul Society